The Importance of Long Lasting Roofing Products for Buildings in Denver

by | Oct 24, 2017 | Local News | 0 comments

The weather in Denver, Colorado, due to the altitude, imposes particular consideration when it comes to choosing roofing products. The air pressure, atmospheric water vapor and solar radiation are different at higher altitudes, even if you are in town and not in the mountains. There are several weather events that often occur here and which can affect your roof’s life span.  You can also avoid high energy costs by having a recommended Denver window replacement company install high end windows.

  • Snow

If a roof is properly installed and insulated, it should withstand the snowy weather, although it requires adequate maintenance, in order to preserve its structural integrity: snow removal, gutter cleaning and preventing ice formation.

  • Ice Dams

Ice dams appear at the edge of the roof and prevent melting snow from running off, increasing the risk of shingles damage and water infiltration in the building. In some cases, poor ventilation and insulation may contribute to the formation of ice dams, during the cold season.

  • Sun exposure

Particularly at a higher altitude, solar radiation affects roofing materials and Denver has about three hundred days of sunshine per year.

The investment in quality and resistant roofing materials has a significant impact on how long the roof will last, so choose carefully and take into account the most durable materials: concrete, clay, slate tiles,  asphalt shingles, or metal roofing.


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