Do Insulated Windows Really Keep Heating Costs Down?

The windows usually make up a considerable part of any building envelope, therefore their capacity to reduce energy exchange between the building interior and the world outside is essential for the energy-efficiency of the entire building. Insulated windows are types...

3 Tips to Washing Your Windows Like the Pros

Washing small windows that are easy to reach is easy, but most of us also have large and difficult to access windows that need washing, too. If you have ever wondered how window cleaning pros manage to wash any window without leaving behind unsightly spots and...

How Your Windows Can Help Block The Summer Heat

Many of us cannot wait for summer to enjoy the sun, warmth, vacation, and those long days, full of joy and fun. However, the overwhelming heat in our homes is always an inconvenience we have to deal with. Air conditioning is the first idea that comes to people`s mind...

How Are Replacement Windows Installed

Step 0 – Remove the old windows and their frames in the wall. Step 1. Prepare the sides of the wall – you have to make sure that the sides of the space where you will install the replacement windows are not broken or uneven and are cut at a right angle. Step 2....

The Most Common Causes Of Door Damage

Doors are some of the most used objects in a household, so no matter how solid they are subjected  to wear and tear. Unfortunately, they are often overlooked, although simple fixes can be done very quickly and this way time and money will be saved in the long run....
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