Why Do Birds Fly into Windows?

by | Jun 21, 2021 | General

birds windows why

If you live in an area with nature around, you surely get a lot of birds, too – and if you do, you have surely seen at least a few of those poor creatures collide with your windows and get hurt or even die after the clash.

Windows are transparent structures, but they are not entire invisible, so you have surely wondered why birds fly into glass surfaces. Well, windows are not merely hard to notice for birds – glass surfaces reflect the image of the landscape around and that confuses birds, leading them to mistake the reflection for the sky or for real foliage that they are attracted to. Fortunately, there are several good ways to protect the birds as well as the windows on your home:

  • Use stickers on your windows – whether your stickers are bird-shaped or simple post-it notes, the solution is easy to apply and safe;
  • Use bird repellent tape – the tape is a great, long-lasting solution that will direct birds away from your windows all year around;
  • Mosquito screens – the screens installed outside the window reduce the reflection and will prevent confusion;
  • One-way transparent film – these products do not obstruct the view from the inside, but they make the window look opaque from the outside. They are great not only for deterring birds, but for improving the privacy in your home as well and keeping your Denver window replacement looking great.
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