When Replacing Windows, Should You Do All at One Time?

by | Oct 9, 2020 | Uncategorized

window replacement making adjustment

Whether the best solution for you is to replace all your windows in one go or to replace them one by one, over a period of time, depends on many factors – here are some aspects to consider:

  • Your needs – safety, security and energy efficiency should always take priority over aesthetics, so if only one or two of your windows are old, badly fitting or drafty, you can focus on the faulty windows, replacing them first. Having just a few of your windows replaced is likely to create a slightly inconsistent exterior appearance, but the solution will allow you to restore the energy-efficiency as well as the safety and comfort of your home. You can decide to replace only windows that feature the same style or the windows on one level in one go, then you can progress in phases, as your time and financial situation allow it;
  • Your budget – money is perhaps the most important factor that will determine your decision. If you can afford to get all your windows replaced at one time with a Denver window replacement company, the solution will make sure that your household must endure the disruption related to the replacement only once and will also ensure that your home exterior features a consistent appearance. Buying multiple windows might also help you get better prices.
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