What Are Phantom Electricity Charges?

by | May 25, 2021 | Home Improvement

home energy window replacement home bills reduced

The electrical devices in your home consume energy the entire time that they are plugged in, even when they are not in use. The amount of energy consumed by appliances when they are either turned off or in standby, but still plugged is very little and might seem insignificant, but all those tiny amounts can add up and they can become a substantial sum over time – some experts say that standby electricity consumption can range between 5-10 percent of the energy bill in an average home.

The energy consumed by unused devices is also wasteful, increasing energy bills unnecessarily. The solution is simple: unplug any device that is not in use and also disconnect the chargers that you use for your phones and laptops when the devices they belong to do not need charging. For the larger devices that have hidden plugs, such as your entertainment systems, your fridge or your washing machine, plugging and unplugging might be difficult, but there is a solution for these items as well: invest into smart power strips. These modern appliances can be used for connecting multiple devices to the power source and they can significantly reduce power usage by shutting down the power to devices that are not in use.  Some of the other electricity losses can come through older windows and can be eliminated with Denver window replacement on the older homes for weather-tight indoor climate.

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