The Difference Between Composite And Vinyl Windows

by | Apr 27, 2020 | General

Differences Window Replacement Choices

Perhaps the first main difference between composite and vinyl window replacement Denver companies offer is that of cost. Thus, vinyl windows are more affordable than composite ones, but they are less efficient in terms of insulation.

The composite frames are a mixture of natural and synthetic materials. This mixture may include, for instance, natural wood and vinyl, which are fixed together with epoxy resin.

The good news about composite or vinyl windows is that they typically have a more long-lasting resistance than traditional ones. However, since composite frames are more rigid than vinyl ones, they are more resistant to outside conditions.

Another often important detail is that composite windows can offer a wider variety of colors to choose from, as compared to the vinyl version. Composite framed windows are very similar in appearance with classical wooden framed windows.

Both types are very easy to maintain. They do not require any painting, but they need periodical cleaning and lubrication in order to preserve their best appearance.

They are both affected by hail. Vinyl windows are less recommended in hot climates. In temperate climates which only occasionally have heat waves, both options can be great choices.

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