How Window Replacements Can Help Your Energy Bill

by | Aug 23, 2019 | Windows

Window Replacement Company Saves You Money On Energy

If you have drafty windows, you probably know more than you want to about the importance of energy-efficient windows. While windows that seal properly certainly create a much more comfortable atmosphere inside your home, they also do something else, something that can keep your hard-earned money in your pocket: they reduce your energy bills by not letting warm air slip out in winter and by not letting hot air come in during the hot months. Here is how replacing your old windows can help you reduce your energy bills:

  • Reducing the strain on your air conditioner and your heating system – window frames the structural integrity of which has been compromised promote the exchange of energy through the window, causing your HVAC system to work harder and to use more energy to maintain the temperature stable in the building;
  • Issues related to window hardware – window knobs, handles and other hardware used in window frames become weaker with age, failing to close the window properly or to keep it closed. While hardware is cheaper to replace than complete frames, in many cases the frame material of the old window is so damaged that the new knobs or handles cannot be installed, so replacing the entire window is the only solution.  See what you can afford Https://


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