How To Minimize Window Reflection

by | Jun 4, 2021 | Uncategorized

window reflection minimize replacement shutters film

Glass surfaces reflect the sun’s light and might produce a very bright glare – when that glare is produced by your windows, especially by low-E windows, designed especially for minimizing the amount of solar light absorbed, the reflected light might cause discomfort in the area around your building and the light might also be magnified in ways that can be harmful or dangerous for sensitive items around. Fortunately, there are several good ways to minimize window reflection and not just with Denver replacement windows update – here are some:

  • Anti-glare window film – these films are affordable and they can be easily applied on the outer surface of the window. They reduce the reflection without reducing the amount of light that reaches the room and without obstructing the view either;
  • Install decorative shutters – the classic solution will block out the sun completely. Modern shutters come in many great designs, any of them featuring various settings that allow you to adjust the amount of light that you want to let pass through your windows;
  • Extend your roof – the solution might seem a little extreme to reduce a little glare. However, if you happen to be considering a re-roofing project, it might be a good idea to redesign the structure a bit, extending the fascia a bit more to get more shade.
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