Getting Rid Of Condensation Inside Your Windows

by | Jul 19, 2019 | Windows

Need New Denver Home Replacement Windows

The cause of condensation inside PVC windows can be quickly identified by professionals, from its location:

  • When the condensation is located on the surface of the thermal insulating glass, the cause of its occurrence is inadequate ventilation and indoor heating. The explanation is simple: the temperature at the glass surface is lower and the humidity present in the room is high. The rooms where condensation inside the windows occurs most often are kitchens and bathrooms.
  • When the condensation is installed between the glass sheets, it indicated a sealing failure
  • When the condensation occurs on the exterior of the windows, it is a natural process that results when there are sudden increases in temperature in the outdoor environment, and requires no course of actions.

To eliminate the problem of condensation inside your window, you must maintain the indoor humidity in normal parameters. The easiest way is to ventilate the rooms as often as possible, at least 30 minutes a day, especially after activities that produce water vapor: showering, bathing, cooking, washing and drying of laundry.

If your windows are old, you might want to consider new Denver replacement windows, considering that the vast majority of modern windows are equipped with micro ventilation systems to ensure adequate humidity in the house, without allowing the airflow to change rapidly the indoor temperature.

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