Does Sun Control Film Work for Residential Windows?

by | Jun 30, 2021 | Windows

Denver Home Replacement Windows Beautiful Quality

Windows are essential features on any home, building components that play not only an aesthetic role, but that also play crucial roles in keeping the sun’s heat and light outside. Good quality modern Denver replacement windows do an excellent job keeping heat out, but even these products let in a lot of light. Fortunately, there is a great, modern invention that will block much of the glare: sun control film. Here are some important benefits of using the solution:

  • Enhancing comfort – one of the most annoying effects of getting too much natural light in your rooms is that digital displays, such as computer screens and TV, are hard to watch. Sun block films solve the problem by letting in just the right amount of light, unlike blinds or drapes that might make your room too dark;
  • Reduced heat – even energy-efficient windows might need the heat reflecting properties of sun control films;
  • Protection for carpets and furniture – the sun’s rays can fade the surfaces that are exposed them for long hours each day, furniture and carpets being especially sensitive to damaging UVA and UVB rays. Sun control films can reduce that harm by 99.9%, compared to the 10% protection offered by windows that are not fitted with protective film.
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