Does Insurance Cover The Cost Of New Windows And Doors?

by | Jan 30, 2020 | Uncategorized

Home Insurance Window Door Coverage

Windows and doors go through the same wear and tear as anything else and, someday, they will have to be replaced. Besides, they can be broken by external factors. Replacing them can be quite expensive and many homeowners consider using their insurance policy to cover the costs. If you are not sure whether insurance covers doors and replacement windows Denver area, here is some useful information.

Home insurance is created to cover most of the damage to the house and its content, as well as liability for accidents that may happen on your property. When it comes to window and door replacement, coverage depends on the circumstances under which they have been broken.

Most insurance policies will cover damage inflicted by unexpected occurrences such as natural disasters and human generated accidents. However, if the door or window was damaged because of your negligence, you will not get covered. For example, you can be held accountable if a window gets broken because of a tree branch that gets too close to it. It is your responsibility as a homeowner to trim tree branches hanging over the roof or too close to the house.

Standard wear and tear is also not covered.


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