Cleaning Your Window Tracks

by | Jun 29, 2017 | Uncategorized

With your windows & doors open and getting the active attention they deserve every day, you may notice how gross the tracks get. This will happen no matter what, but there are ways you can keep them clean with a few items you can find around the house. If you think they’re ready for a full window replacement, call the Denver experts: DMD Window and Door.

[Read more from First Home Love Life here]

Taken from the article:
“Here’s what you’ll need…

  • white vinegar and baking soda (or hydrogen peroxide works too!)
  • q tips
  • an old tooth brush
  • some hot water
  • paper towels
  • and a trash bag or plastic grocery bag to throw the used stuff into

The first thing I did was sprinkle a bit of baking soda into the corners, then I poured a bit of vinegar into a cup and poured it into the tracks. The baking soda will begin to bubble and loosen up the caked on cruddy stuff.

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